this incident happened like few months ago when i was in a
conversation with a fren..we were busy discussing (projek kunun)
and suddenly this one foreigner guy..(he's from bangladesh)
barged in looking for this staff who was supposed to be
there at that time..
fren:bla..bla..bla..projek..bla..bla ..projek
the guy came in..
guy: where is MR.X? (looking at us)
looked around..and i said to him
bb:he's not here right now..maybe he's UPSOTEIRS..ooppps...
(UP-SO-TEIRS the TEIRS sounded just like pronouncing
fren===>trying to control herself but about to burst out
guy===>blurr...then smiled
with embarassment still full in me.. i rephrased back the sentence
bb: what i meant was..maybe he's UPSTAIRS...why dont u try
look for him at the first floor...
guy:ooo...ok...thank u (smile and went away)
bb:kakkakakkakakkak....UP-SO-TEIRS...wakakkakaka.. (siot)
malunyerrrr aku.....
i went home..and told my family about the incident..of course
disertai degan mimik muka dan gaya ulang cakap yg tak boleblah..
as expected...ketawa yg melampo....muahhahahhahah...
..sounds funny juz by saying it...try la..becoz u'll find that u'd be
stressing on the sukukata SO.. (ala2 jawa gitu)
p/s: if only i would have record that moment...hahhahaha
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