Sunday, February 15, 2009


I was going through some of the pictures stored in my laptop this evening. je' was sitting beside me and keep on talking about her uncomfortable stomach eversince this morning. she was having a constipation, i guess (aku tidak mensabotaj dia).

je' saw the picture below, and she asked this question

je': eeee...kenape ular tu warna putih ek??
bb: (cari idea)........
je': mungkin sebab hati dia BERSIH kot..tu sebab warna dia putih
bb: wahakhakhhakahakha...suci nyer ko je'.....waahhahahah

p/s: i am amazed by the way how a kid at her age thinks. my weekend was quite something with valuable time spent with my family. have a chat with my bro, bullying my sis, watching my parents quarelled and having lunch together really made my day..


Asrul Farrish said...

ooo..nak kasi kulit putih kene hati bersih eh..

faiz_alin said...

kire hati aku ni bersih la eh3..kn3..hehehe...

boleblah (bb) said...

sape yg sahkan kebersihan hati ko tuh??...agak berani pengakuan ko ituhhh

faiz_alin said...

encik asrul kate.... "nak kasi kulit putih kene hati bersih eh"...da kulit aku ni putih.nk wat cemana...

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

dont judge a book by its cover..
jd seputih mane pun kulit lin xsama sebersih hati asrul utk m"secret"kn GOODDay td.....

boleblah (bb) said...

lin:memandangkan kulit ko puteh...maka untuk ko, statement tersebut diterbalekkan...ader ko reti...wkakakakakka

kak nora: hamboiii kak nora..dalam blog pon sempat mewar2kan scandal tersebut eh..mau distresskan disini...hanya ulor puteh tersebut jer yg berhati berseh..harap maklom!!!

Unknown said...

save GOODDAY for the last...