Tuesday, February 17, 2009


So today is tuesday..as usual, we are having our kelas agama at our house. so, people like almost 20 of them will be attending for the session. so again, the house shud be in a very good condition plus the ultimate one...the food served. needless to say, banyak keje ar nak kena buat..

so, my dad came home early this evening. he said a lot of things in his mind need to be executed before the night. he did his part and i did mine. but somehow, he was a bit nervous and keep on moving from one place to another place and that really distracted me . since i noticed that one and found it a bit cute thou, i asked my father

bb: abah apasal bah??semacam jer tengok..

abah: haih...macam2 benda nak kena buat laa..kelam kabut..gelabah..haih

my mom was there too

mak: aper dier bang??

abah: gelabahhhh...(suara distresskan sedikit bagi menunjukkan kemalasan mengulang semula ayat tersebut)

mak: halaaahhh...nak ANDROPAUSE la tu....(dengan gaya selambanya sambil membetulkan carpet..kemudian tersengeh)

ooppppss...i was in silence at that time and somehow, i couldnt help it

bb: wakkakakakkakakakakak.....wakakkakaka...tak bole blah...wkakakkakakakka

abah: (looked at my mom..and laughed)

we end up laughing together.hmm..that wasnt so bad rite..another spontaneous conversation wont take much time and it does help makes ur day brighter sometimes.

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